Command Line Interface#

To create a rendering, execute the following command from the anaconda prompt (after activating the appropriate environment):

python -m veux model.json -o model.html

where model.json is a JSON file generated from executing the following OpenSees command:

print -JSON model.json

If you omit the -o <file.html> portion, it will plot immediately in a new window. You can also use a .png extension to save a static image file, as opposed to the interactive html.

Note Printing depends on the JSON output of a model. Several materials and elements in the OpenSeesPy and upstream OpenSees implementations do not correctly print to JSON. For the most reliable results, use the opensees package.

By default, the rendering treats the $y$ coordinate as vertical. In order to manually control this behavior, pass the option --vert 3 to render model $z$ vertically, or --vert 2 to render model $y$ vertically.

If the opensees package is installed, you can directly render a Tcl script without first printing to JSON, by just passing a Tcl script instead of the JSON file:

python -m veux model.tcl -o model.html

To plot an elevation (elev) plan (plan) or section (sect) view, run:

python -m veux model.json --view elev

and add -o <file.extension> as appropriate.

To see the help page run

python -m veux --help