
veux.render(sam_file, res_file=None, ndf=6, canvas=None, show=None, hide=None, verbose=False, vertical=2, displaced=None, reference=None, **opts)#

Primary rendering function.

To render a model directly from Python:

artist = veux.render(model, canvas=canvas)


modelstr, dict, or Model

The model parameter can be of several types:

  • str: Treated as a file path. Supported file formats are .json and .tcl.

  • dict: A dictionary representation of the model.

  • Model: An instance of the Model class from the sees Python package. See the documentation for details.

canvasstr, optional

The rendering backend to use. Options are:

  • "gltf" (default): Produces high-quality renderings. Files can be saved as .html or .glb. .glb is recommended for 3D object portability.

  • "plotly": Best for model debugging. Includes detailed annotations (e.g., node/element numbers, properties) but lower visual quality than gltf.

  • "matplotlib": Generates .png files programmatically. Note that renderings are lower quality compared to gltf.



An object representing the rendered model. Can be used to view or save the rendering.

Viewing the Rendering#

To view a rendering generated with canvas="gltf" or canvas="plotly", use the veux.serve() function:


This will start a local web server and output a message like:

Bottle v0.13.1 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on http://localhost:8081/
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

Open the URL (e.g., http://localhost:8081) in a web browser to interactively view the rendering.

Saving the Rendering#

Use the method to write the rendering to a file. The file format depends on the selected canvas:

  • gltf: Files are saved in the glTF format with a .glb extension:"model.glb")
  • plotly: Files are saved as .html:"model.html")
  • matplotlib: Files are saved as .png:"model.png")


Renderings produced with the "matplotlib" canvas are typically of poor quality. For high-quality images, use the "gltf" canvas and take screen captures.